Smart Buildings

Smart Buildings – Value of Living

“redefine experience of living ….bring smartness to your life, not gadgets!”

Be it home, office or a work place…effe adds value to your place…place is same, but the experience is different…comforting, unfailingly safe, lasting for longer periods, reliable, and …a fix and forget connectivity!

effe smart building solutions are crafted carefully touching the needs, comforts and wellbeing of customers. We believe in creating ease of smart living.

Comfort…tune your gadgets as per your schedule. WAKE UP ..and simply the blinds will rise, ac to off, lights to soothing dim, coffee maker is on, hot water is ready…the luxury of setting your gadgets to your tailor made needs. We monitor CO2 levels for your good health…provide a dash board view of all gadgets/equipment, voice commands enabled actions, comforts can go on and on…Our hybrid system ensures redundancy ( switches can still be used, for the senior citizens or in case of Net interruptions).

Talk to your gadgets and make them work for you. Yes. Our voice operated system helps you. You can program your comfort zone in your system, and operate from mobile (android or iOS), tablet or PC.

Energy efficiency at its best. With no human element, your paisa will be saved by YOUR smart system. Creating analytics is a value added feature you can act on…high CO2 or high energy guzzlers identified, your consumption patterns reflected for your decision. It’s a data driven decision, not from hearsay!

We follow you like a shadow to see that your system works seamlessly for 5 years, and of course there after. Your system our baby. Our dedicated teams of Company are there…from cradle to growth to maturity! We install, we sustain, we maintain.

KNX. A KNX compliant smart home is a world standard system…compatible to any standard equipment you add to our system. FUTURE ENABLED