Internet of Things (IoT)

How to identify precious energy losses!


“It’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job; it’s a depression when you lose your own.” …..Harry S Truman

Prudent businessmen increase profit not just by increasing business, but by systematically cutting down on expendables. While vendor search helps in cutting input cost and rationalizing manpower aids in further slicing the cost…the oft-neglected area is ENERGY!

Energy guzzlers are rupee suckers, recession or no recession! Businesses that place enormous dependence on high rated energy, can easily cut down on energy cost. What more…they indirectly contribute to the Save Earth society.

Energy Monitoring System (EMS) is a deftly planned tool that takes care of this onerous task…FIT IT, SHUT IT, FORGET IT! Relax…sigh a relief!

EMS acts in two stages – detect/identify wastage areas (sensing stage), initiate action to cut energy wastage (IoT stage). Let us see the sensing stage to identify the precious loss!!

Why EMS?

Energy gets wasted in every organisation! It varies with type of industry.

An analysis of certain parameters such as Energy (a combination of power, reactive power, apparent power) helps in arriving at power wastage (difference between active and apparent power). In addition, Maximum Demand (MD) (in HT users) is a silent killer, we often neglect! Every minute exceeding the use of MD translates into twice (penal) rate of unit cost.

A good EMS should have following functions:

Features that are desirable

Graphical Analysis that helps decision making

No more static spreadsheets

Facility to set up supplier tariffs

Live Dashboard and Raw data availability

Instant alerts to concerned persons and Notifications

Proof of Savings

Life time free feature updates

Secure integration with enterprise systems using rest APIs

Proactively monitor (from our end) to ensure system availability and best performance at all times

Provide Energy Management Consultancy and propose Energy Conservation Measures (ECM)

Go for it, if it saves your 20%. It is worth! Be a (energy) wastage crusader!!